Invited Lectures


1. Delivered a lecture on “Farming system design for diversification, Climate resilience, Sustainability, Livelihood and Nutritional Security In Rice farming” on International Rice Congress organised by International Rice Research Institute at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore during 14-17 October 2018.

2. Delivered a lecture on “Sustainable Management of Climate Change induced Invasive Alien Weeds in Rice” on International Rice Congress organized by International Rice Research Institute at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore during 14-17 October 2018.

3. Delivered an invited lecture on Integrated farming Systems in Grand Challenges India Meeting Organized by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, New Delhi, India during 21st to 23rd March 2017.

4. Delivered an invited lead lecture on “Climate smart agriculture and indigenous management of invasive alien weeds”. In: Proceedings of the 25th Asian Pacific Weed Science Conference on “Weed biology and ecology including impact of changing climate” at Hyderabad, India during 13th-16th October, 2015.

5. Delivered an invited lecture on “Rice Farming System Designs for stress prone environments”. In: Proceedings of International Training Workshop Organised by IRRI at Pokhara, Nepal during 20th to 22nd March, 2014.

6. Delivered an invited lecture on “Invasive Spread of Water Hyacinth in Veeranum Irrigation System and the Impact of Herbicidal Control on Aquatic Environment”. In: Proceedings of the 24th Asian Pacific Weed Science Conference on “Weed Invasives and Ecology” at Bandung, Indonesia during 22nd – 25th October, 2013.

7. Delivered an invited lecture on “Sustainable options for the integrated management of invasive alien weed water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in aquatic systems” in the 6th International Weed Science Conference at Hangzhou, China during 17th to 23rd June 2012.

8. Delivered an invited lecture on “Utility tag, Farming elements and ITK for Sustainable Management of Weeds in Changing Climate” in 23rd Asian Pacific Weed Science Congress at Cairns, Australia during 25th to 30th September, 2011.

9. Delivered an invited lecture on “Sustainability through Integrated Farming Systems in small holder farms of Tamilnadu State of India” in Farming System Design Symposium 2009 at Monterey, California, USA during 23rd to 26th August, 2009.

10. Delivered an invited lecture on “Status of Weedy Rice and its Management in India” at Regional Meeting on Weedy Rice in Asia organized by FAO at Bangkok, Thailand during 3rd to 7th November, 2008.

11. Delivered an invited lecture on “Honey suckle mesquite, Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC, a major invasive plant in various regions of the world” in 5th International Weed Science Congress at Vancouver, Canada during 23rd to 27th June, 2008.

12. Delivered an invited lecture on ‘Rice Allelopathy in Aquatic Systems’ in the FAO-Rice Allelopathy Workshop at Hainan, China during 9th and 10th October, 2007.

13. Delivered Key-note Address in NIAES International Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, during December, 2006.

14. Delivered a invited plenary lecture on “Effect of global warming on weed invasion world wide” at the 20th Asian – Pacific Weed science Society Conference, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam during 7th – 11th November, 2005.

15. Delivered a invited plenary lecture on “Allelopathy for bio-control of water hyacinth” at the Fourth World congress on Allelopathy” at Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia during 21st to 26th August, 2005.

16. Delivered a lecture on “Integrating fish and poultry components for sustainable rice farming” at World Fish Centre, Penang, Malaysia during 1st September 2005.

17. Delivered an invited lecture on “Integration of elements of farming system for sustainable weed and pest’s management in the tropics” at the 4th International Weed Science Conference at Durban, South Africa during 19th to 24th June, 2004.

18. Delivered an invited plenary lecture on “Invasive weeds in Tropics” at the 19th Asian Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Manila, Philippines during March, 2003.

19. Delivered an invited lecture on ‘Allelopathic Potential of Native Plants on Water hyacinth’ at the 14th International Plant Protection Congress, Jerusalem, Israel during July, 1999.

20. Delivered an invited lecture at University of California Davis, U.S.A. on ‘Biological Control of Water hyacinth’ on 13th April, 1997.

NATIONAL (In Other Campuses)

1. Delivered an invited lecture on “Aquatic weed problems and their sustainable management” in the Indian Society of Weed Science Biennial conference at ICAR – Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa during 5th to 7th January, 2020.

2. Delivered an invited lecture on “Circularity of Agricultural Systems in Rural Development” at the International conference on Rural Development, Social Dynamics and Welfare at,Hyderabad during 14th to 16th December, 2019.

3. Delivered an invited lead lecture on “Sustainable Option for Managing Weeds under Changing Climate”. In: Proceedings of the ISWS Golden Jubilee International Conference on “Weeds and Society: Challenges and Opportunities” at Jabalpur, India during 21st -24th November, 2018.

4. Delivered a lecture on “Food, Agricultural Productivity Trends and the Sustainability Issues” during the Special Address a Guest of Honour of CAM 2018 on 7th July 2018 at Chennai.

5. Panel discussion on “BIRAC 7th Innovators Conclave, Vigyan se Vikas – Science Impacting Society: Innovators Conclave 2018” organized by BIRAC on 19th to 20th September 2018 at Heritage Village Resort, Manesar, New Delhi.

6. Delivered a lecture on “Innovative technology for establishing startups in Agriculture and Internet of things” on Industry Interaction meet organized by National Research Development Corporation in Association with Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry federation at Hotel Fortune Murali Park, Vijayawada on 5th October 2018.

7. Delivered a lecture on “Designing Farming Systems for Climate Resilience, Livelihood Security and Sustainability” on Scientific Challenges and Opportunities of the Current Generation organized at Guru Nanak College, Chennai on 28th Feb, 2018.

8. Delivered a lead lecture on “Sustainable options for Managing Invasive Alien Weeds, Biodiversity conservation and Enhancement of Farming Livelihoods” and Served the National Advisory Committee for International Conference on Bio – diversity strategies for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization organized at Ethiraj College for Women (Autonomous) on 1st and 2nd Feb, 2018.

9. Delivered a lecture on “Need for curriculum Reinforcement with Allied and Applied Sciences for Gender Parity in Agronomy Education and Technology Integration in Agronomic Research” Organized 41st Indian Social Science Congress Focal theme on “Indian University Education System a Critical Appraisal” at Periyar University, Salem, India during 18 – 22nd December, 2017. p.117-121.

10. Delivered a lecture on “Farming System option for Climate Resilience Livelihoods and Nutritional Security” on Training programme on Integrated Fish Farming Organized by M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Poombuhar at 25.09.2017.

11. Delivered a lecture on “Advances in Weed Management Strategies under conservation Agriculture systems in India” Organised Weed Workshop at National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad during 29th to 30th November, 2016.

12. Delivered a lecture on “Scope, Relevance and Options for Diversification and Integration in Small Holder Farms for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods and Environmental Security, Under Changing Climate” at Indian Society of Agronomy Organised National Seminar at PAU, Ludhiana during 18th to 20th November, 2014.

13. Delivered a lecture on “Climate Resilient Farming Systems for Livelihood Enhancement and Sustainability” at refresher course held at CAFTA training on Farming System for the future – Approaches and Applications, Coimbatore during 18th February, 2013.

14. Expert participation in a Brain Storming meeting on “Making IPM Effective in India” organized by the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Consultation in association with Indian Council of Agricultural Research at NAAS Complex, New Delhi on 29th – 30th September, 2010.

15. Delivered an invited lecture on “Integrated Weed Management in Era of Climate Change” with the national symposium organized by Indian Society of Weed Science at NASC Complex, New Delhi during 21st -22nd August, 2010.

16. Delivered a lead lecture on “Integrated Farm Management for Linking Environment and Sustainable Weed Control” at the National Symposium on New Paradigms in Agronomic Research at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat during 19th – 21st November, 2008.

17. Expert participation in a Brain Storming workshop on Science & Technology for Rural India organized by the Scientific Advisory Committee to Prime Minister of India at Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai on 1st November, 2008.

18. Served as Expert for Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture for approval of Herbicide Tolerant GM Crops in India during December 10th – 11th, 2007 at New Delhi.

19. Delivered an invited lecture on weeds in changing climate at the biennial conference of the Indian society of weed science during 2nd and 3rd November 2007 at CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana.

20. Delivered a lecture on “Ecology and Control of Parthenium Invasion in Veeranum Command area” at Second International Conference on Parthenium Management at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, during 5th-7th December, 2005.

21. Delivered an invited lecture on “Biotechnological approaches for aquatic weed control” at National Biennial Conference, Indian Society of Weed Science held at Department of Agronomy & Agro-meteorology, PAU, Ludhiana on 6th–9th April, 2005.

22. Delivered an invited lecture on “Biotechnological approaches for aquatic weed control” at satellite workshop Indian Society of Weed Science on use of biotechnology in weed science at New Delhi on 9th April 2005.

23. Delivered a key note address at the national work shop on “Invasive alien species and biodiversity in India” sponsored Ministry of Environment and Forest at the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during 18th-20th August 2004.

24. Delivered a lead paper on “Decision Support System in Weed Management” at XVI Biennial work shop of All India Co-ordinated Research Programme on Weed Control held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore during May 26th – 28th 2004.

25. Delivered a concept paper on “Integrated control of aquatic weeds (water hyacinth)” at eighth meeting of the subcommittee IV of Indian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage held at Institute for Water Studies, Chennai on 25th March 2004.

26. Invited lecture on “Agrobiology and management of Eichhornia crassipes” sponsored by Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat and National Research Centre for Weed Science, Jabalpur during April 27th-29th, 2003.

27. Invited lecture in “Short Term Training Programme on Biotechnology – Emerging Trends and Challenges Ahead” sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education and Indian Society for Technical Education at Department of Technology (Chemical Engg.), Annamalai University during November, 2002.

28. Offered training on Role of “Allelopathy in Weed Management” sponsored by ICAR at National Research Center for Weed Science, Jabalpur, M.P., as a Resource Person during 26th & 27th of April, 2002.

29. Invited lecture on “Use of Bioagents in Weed Management” at the biennial conference of Indian Society of Weed Science 1998, Banaras Hindu University on 6th February, 1999.

NATIONAL (In Annamalai University)

30. Delivered a lecture on “Anticipatory Research to Mitigate Climate Change Impact on Agriculture” Sponsored by AICTE, I National Seminar on Climate Adaptation and Long – term Mitigation, Annamalai University during 4th & 6th December, 2017.

31. Delivered a lecture on “Innovations in Farming Diversification and Integration for Small Holder Farms” at Faculty Development Programme on ENTERPRENEURSHIP, Annamalai University during 27th November, 2017.

32. Delivered a lecture on “Impact of climate change on Invasive Alien Plants” Sponsored by UGC – SAP – DRS III, National Seminar, Annamalai University during 21st and 22nd March, 2017.

33. Delivered a lecture on “Teaching through Value Education” at refresher course held at Department of Philosophy, Annamalai University during 7th June, 2012.

34. Delivered a lecture on “Natural Products in Weed Control” at refresher course held at Annamalai University during 2005.

35. Delivered a lecture on “Use of microorganisms in weed control programme” at refresher course held at Annamalai University during 2004.